neon blue text box with "winter parking in Rexburg" over image of cars parked in a snowy parking lot with windshield wipers up

"Hey! You can't park there!"

Jeep Gladiator HEY!!!  You can't park there!! IMG_0483Want to avoid being the next "Hey! You can't park there!" meme victim? We've got some notes!

There is NO Overnight Street Parking...

from December 15th through March 1st.

"Overnight" means 2:00am to 7:00am.

Every year, City Ordinance 10.09.50 goes into effect, stating that Overnight street parking is prohibited from December 15th through March 1st. The ordinance is to allow for efficient snow removal and winter street maintenance. Restrictions stand regardless of the weather to avoid conflict and confusion.

This applies to all vehicles and personal property, including recreational vehicles, trailrs, and others.

This also applies to all public city streets and alleys.

***private streets and alleys fully maintained by the owner are exempt.

What if...

  • You park on a city street overnight?

    • Your vehicle will be ticketed and possibly towed at your own expense. The fine is $50 for the ticket and an additional $150 for a hook and drop fee if the vehicle is towed.

  • You've already received an overnight parking ticket?

    • An existing or previous ticket does not excuse violations and additional tickets and fines can incur.

  • You have a valid parking permit?

    • Parking permits are valid for daytime use only.

  • You're on a waiting list for an apartment complex parking space?

    • A waitlist is deceiving. The waiting list does not guarantee a parking space. Often, waiting lists are 10, 20, or 50 people long. Parking is the vehicle owner's responsibility. Unfortunately, apartment complexes do not always have enough parking for tenant vehicles. The City works with the University and property managers every year to ensure students and residents are advised not to bring a vehicle if they are not guaranteed a parking space, however, we're dependent on our partners to spread the word and on students/residents understanding parking challenges in advance.

Parking Permits

Daytime parking permits are available from the Rexburg Police Department at a first come, first serve basis in different areas of Rexburg. Different areas, or zones, are marked by signs.

  • Business (B) parking permits (downtown)

  • University (U) parking permits (BYUI campus streets)

  • Residential (R and O) parking permits

To apply for a B, R, or O parking permit, bring a valid driver's license and all the necessary documents to the Rexburg Police Department at 25 East Main Street. 

48-Hour time limits

Year-round, vehicles or other personal property parked on the street for more than 48-hours are considered abandonned.

If a vehicle is found to have been parked longer than a 48-hour time period, the owner of the vehicle may be fined and the vehicle may be towed at the owners expense.