Gas & Power
Intermountain Gas
Intermountain Gas Company firmly believes in contributing to the support of the communities they serve. Energy costs can be one of the major factors in a business's decision to expand or relocate its operations. Intermountain Gas has a commitment to provide their customers with cost-effective, clean, and efficient energy sources for their business needs.
Intermountain assists commercial and industrial businesses with solutions to their energy needs, by providing a number of specialized services. These services include customized, cost-modeling and comparisons to alternate, energy sources.
Intermountain Gas Company has grown along with Idaho. Today, Intermountain Gas Company is a natural gas distribution company serving approximately 320,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in 74 communities in southern Idaho. Intermountain is a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., a multi-dimensional, natural resources enterprise traded on the New York Stock Exchange as "MDU."
For more information about MDU Resources, visit the company's website at Mdu Resources , or call Intermountain Gas Company customer service center at 1-800-548-3679 or visit their website at Intgas for more information.
Rocky Mountain Power
Rocky Mountain Power (a division of PacifiCorp) is one of the West's leading utilities, serving 1.8 million customers across 136,000 square miles in six western states. The company is comprised of three, business units working to provide safe, reliable electricity to customers at a reasonable cost: 1) Pacific Power serves customers in Oregon, Washington and California. 2) Rocky Mountain Power serves customers in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. 3) PacifiCorp Energy operates a broad portfolio of power-generating assets to ensure low-cost energy is available for customers.
Wind, hydro, geothermal and other non-carbon resources currently make up more than eighty-six (86%) percent of PacifiCorp's owned capacity. PacifiCorp currently has more than 1,400 megawatts of owned and contracted wind resources.
PacifiCorp's generating plants have a net capacity of 10,887 megawatts. They operate 75 generating plants across the West, including thermal, hydroelectric, natural gas, wind-powered, and geothermal facilities. PacifiCorp continues to replace existing energy sources with those that are renewable. The company continues to invest to meet customers' needs, making only critical investments now to ensure future reliability, security, and safety.
For more information about PacificCorp call customer service 1-888-221-7070 or visit Rocky Mountain Power. To report power outages, text OUT to 759677 or call 1-877-508-5088.
Rocky Mountain Power & Economic Development
Rocky Mountain Power is committed to making communities stronger, cleaner and safer places to live and work. By working closely with state and local development organizations, Rocky Mountain Power helps communities enhance their economic vitality. Rocky Mountain Power partners with agencies to bring additional resources for attracting top companies and high-paying jobs and to help existing companies expand.
Fall River Rural Electric
For a small portion of customers in the northern Rexburg area, services may be provided by Fall River. Their contact phone number is 208-652-7431.