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Wastewater Treatment and Wastewater Collections

The Wastewater Departments' responsibilities include the operation of the wastewater collection system, pumping stations, and treatment plant, and related facilities. Responsibilities also include the monitoring of all industrial and commercial users of the system to ensure that substances that would be harmful to the treatment system or process are not discharged into the collection system. The Wastewater Department was recently split into two departments: The Wastewater Treatment Department, and the Wastewater Collections Department. The Wastewater Collections Department is responsible for all of the waste going into the treatment plant and related facilities. The Wastewater Treatment Plant will be responsible for the treatment of the waste and the quality of water exiting the treatment plant.
Business Hours
Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am to 11:00 am
After hours emergency phone 208-709-4169 (this phone will not be manned during regular business hours)