City Fees
Impact and Capacity
As the community grows in size, the need for infrastructure and capacity also increases. Impact and Capacity Fees are charged to replace capacity used by the construction of houses, apartments, and businesses. There are four impact fees and two capacity fees.
Local Improvement District
Local improvement districts (LID’s) are initiated in one of two ways; petition or resolution. A petition must contain a description of the boundaries of the proposed LID, the improvements to be made, and the property to be assessed. The petition must also be signed by 60% of the resident owners of property subject to the assessment.
City Utilities
The City does not read the water meters from November through March, an estimated read [based on history] is used throughout the winter months. In May, each customer account will be reviewed and the sewer billing adjusted for the year based on your winter water usage. On your bill you receive in June your sewer rate may go up or down depending on how much water you use during the winter.