Parking in Rexburg
The City of Rexburg Police Department Parking Division is responsible for regulating and enforcing parking on public streets and lots within the City of Rexburg. Parking permits and tickets are handled through this division as well as any parking questions or concerns. Questions concerning parking issues within the City of Rexburg may be answered by the Rexburg Police Department by either calling 208-359-3008 or visiting the office during business hours M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with the exception of US Holidays and the Patriot's Day holiday.
City-Wide Parking Restrictions
48-Hour Street/Alley Parking Limit - Abandoned Vehicles
Parking on city streets for longer than 48 hours is not permitted and the vehicle will be considered abandoned. Any vehicle found to be in violation of this ordinance will be subject to a ticket and/or tow at the owner's expense. This includes recreational vehicles, trailers, and any other form of a vehicle.
Winter Parking Ordinance:
Overnight street parking is prohibited from December 15th through March 1st to allow for efficient snow removal and winter street maintenance. The restriction stands regardless of the weather.
Timed Street Restrictions:
Within time restricted areas vehicles may not be parked for longer than the time specified for the marked block face. They may not park along the same street block face within the same length of time as the posted time limitation plus thirty minutes immediately after leaving the initial place of parking on that same block face.
*No parking between 2am and 7am year-round marked time restricted areas. Parking between these posted times may subject the registered owner to a ticket and/or tow at the owner's expense.
Parking Permits
The City of Rexburg offers multiple types of parking permits for various needs of our community. The different zones are marked by signs. These include business (B) parking permits, University (U) parking permits, and residential (R and O) parking permits.
U-Parking Permits
U-Parking Permits are available for any student, faculty, or person otherwise needing a parking permit in the University district. They allow parking on the city streets surrounding the campus. You can purchase a U-Parking Permit online for daytime street parking in designated areas.
Visitor permits are available at the Police Department Office for those needing to park in permitted areas during their stay.
For all permit types, the entire permit must be visible at all times in the front windshield to be valid.