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Volunteer Opportunities
In Rexburg, we like to say it's the people that make this a great place to live. Here, it's all about Community...after all, we are "America's Family Community!"
One of the best ways to get involved and be a part of the community is by offering your time. Volunteering is a great way to meet people and help make a difference. City of Rexburg volunteers can get involved in many different ways throughout the year. There are endless opportunities to get involved!
Here are a few opportunities for you to get involved from our different departments:
Office of the Mayor
Make Rexburg Beautiful!
There are many opportunities to help bring Rexburg to life once winter has stormed through. To learn more about these events, follow the City's social media pages and check the community calendar regularly for specific event dates.
Flowbor Day: Each spring, the community gathers on Main Street to plant flowers in the boxes along Main and Center Streets. All the flowers are provided. Just bring your family, maybe some friends, perhaps a pair of garden gloves and/or a trowel!
Come help beautify Rexburg! Flow-bor Day is on the 3rd Thursday in May.
Flowbor Day will be held on May 15th, 2025
Arbor Day: In May, we celebrate our trees by planting new ones in a local park. This is always a fun event that usually involves a character or two. It's great fun for the whole family!
Eagle Park Cleanup: Eagle Park is Rexburg's camping grounds. It's closed each year during the winter. When spring rolls around, the community gathers to prepare the park for the coming seasons. With the help of the local Boy Scouts troop(s) and other organizations, you'll be directed to an area to pick up trash, wash amenities around the facility, and rake. This is a great opportunity for the whole family, all your friends, and your whole crew to gather and give back to the town we all call home.
2025 Eagle Park Cleanup dates TBD.
Highway Cleanup Days: When Spring starts rolling into summer and the snow is melted off all the roadways trash that has collected and blown into the open spaces around the highways becomes quite the eyesore. The community gathers to help pick up this trash along with local organizations including Kiwanis and more. Anyone over 5 years old is invited to help with this project. Please note that a waiver will be required for participants under 18.
2025 Rexburg Highway Cleanup dates are TBD.
Public Works
Hydrant Painting
Every summer, the City of Rexburg calls out to our residents to assist with giving our fire hydrants in the City a fresh coat of paint. We'll put out a call for volunteers in August (if needed), but you can contact City Hall at any time from July to September to collect supplies needed if this project appeals to you! Ask to speak with the Public Works Assistant to arrange a time.
Adopt A Storm Drain
Did you know that the City of Rexburg has over 1,000 storm drains?! While the Streets Department works hard to maintain these drains, the volume and spread of drains across the City makes management of them all a challenge. You can help! By selecting a storm drain that is convenient for you to monitor and keep clear of natural and man-made debris, you can help improve the infrastructure of Rexburg's streets and waterways! Learn more about our Adopt a Storm Drain program and choose the drain that's right for you!
Rexburg Races
Rexburg Recreation hosts several races and marathons each year. These races take a community effort to make them a success! Requests include help with handing out medals, setting up (cones, tables, tents, etc), breaking down, directing teams and runners, restocking supplies, and handing out water along the course. Visit the Rexburg Races page to learn more about how you can help and sign up for a shift that works for you!
Youth Sports Coach
Throughout the year, the Recreation Department brings multiple youth sports programs to life across many different age groups. By volunteering to coach one of these programs, you'll be able to work with young athletes and guide them through the trials of learning a new sport. Become a leader, role model, and a person who serves your athletes. To learn more, visit the Recreation Programs page.
Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Program
Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Inc. (LECI) are volunteer community chaplains who respond to a wide variety of critical incidents. Chaplains are called upon by law enforcement dispatchers to respond to incident scenes to aid family members and victims of crime or disaster.
LECI chaplains serve law enforcement agencies in state, county, city, and other government agencies. In Rexburg, chaplains can respond to incidents across Madison County. Law Enforcement Chaplains provide officers and their families with immediate practical guidance and valuable resources to help with the spiritual and mental trauma associated with policing, particularly following critical incidents.
To learn more about LECI and apply to become a chaplain, fill out the form at the bottom of their home page.
Rexburg Animal Shelter
The Rexburg Animal Shelter is always looking for volunteers to assist around their facility. Volunteers are asked to commit to a 4-hour period each month, though they accept any, and all the help they can get! To sign up for a time, volunteers are required to attend an orientation/training to learn the basics of volunteering at the Shelter; training is held each Wednesday. Contact the Rexburg Animal Shelter to learn more and sign up for a training program.
Community Emergency Readiness Team (CERT)
What is CERT?
Each year, East Idaho may be rocked by severe weather, winter storms, floods or flash floods, or by man-made disasters. The damage caused by a disaster affects everyone. Disasters can severely restrict and overwhelm emergency response resources, communications, transportation, and utilities; and leave individuals and neighborhoods cut off from outside emergency support.
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are trained to take care of themselves and then help others in their communities for the first three days following a disaster.
The CERT program is a nationally recognized program (www.ready.gov/cert). CERT seeks to educate people about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills.
To join the team (open to anyone ages 14 and up), classes are required to ensure that all members are prepared to assist individuals in need. Typically there are several free academies offered each year. To sign up email your contact information to cert@easternidahocert.org.
CERT teaches
Family and Personal Preparedness
Emergency Medical Operations
Light Search and Rescue
FEMA Incident Command Structure
Disaster Psychology
Basic Medical Treatment
Fire Safety and Suppression
CERT Structure