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Planning and Zoning Commission


The Planning & Zoning Commission administers all zoning ordinances for the city. This consists of approving planned unit development, rezones, road dedications, and administering the general plan. Overall, it works to promote orderly growth and development as well as safety and health.

The Rexburg Planning and Zoning Commission is a locally appointed government board charged with recommending to the local town or city council the boundaries of the various original zoning districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein and any proposed amendments thereto. In addition, the Planning and Zoning Commission collects data and keeps itself informed as to the best practices generally in effect in the matter of city planning and zoning.

*According to Title 67 Chapter 65 of the Idaho State Statute, there shall be no less than three (3) and no more than twelve (12) voting members

*The term of office for members shall be not less than three (3) years, nor more than six (6) years


Meetings are typically held on the first and third Thursday of every month @ 6:30 pm. Additional meetings may be called or scheduled meetings may be canceled depending on needs.
Meetings are held at Rexburg City Council Chambers: 35 North 1st East (enter through the rear of City Hall).


Board Members

Member Role

Robert Chambers

Council Liaison

Sally Smith


Vince Haley

Vice Chairman

Bruce Casper

Impact Area Rep (City Appointed)

McKay Francis

Impact Area Rep (County Appointed)

Dan Hanna

Impact Area Rep (County Appointed)

Randall Kempton

Jim Lawrence

Aaron Richards

Vanessa Johnson

Brian Thackeray

Vern Muir